Hi Everyone, as you have all seen, I am slowly but surely getting more out and about online and have started posting again, after a long and excrutiating series of mental issues on my part.
As part of this coming out party, I am experimenting in new ways to not only present new content but also monetize it. So I am running a small auction for a character that can be found right here.
All the rules of the auction have been posted there. It is going to be held over the next three days.
Please note that I am doing this primarily as an experiment. If there are no bids, then that is perfectly fine. It will inform me that this is something that neither you nor I are prepared for. If it is a success however it will provide with a clear direction to move forward to.
I also want to say thank you all so much for all the kindness and support. At the risk of sounding like twitterer with way too many flags in their bio, one of the aforementioned mental issues I have been suffering has been crippling social anxiety. For months now I have been frozen with fear if I were to return I would be like an accused scoundrel before a court of powdered wigs. Obviously that hasn't been the case this is just one of the many cruel tricks my brain pulls on itself.
But instead I have been given a diluge of love and support, nothing but kind words of encouragement and joy at my return. No joke, these messages have made my eyes get a little leaky. To all of you that I haven't yet replied to (you are all so many!) I will say this: Thank you. Truly, you have filled me with confidence and resolve I haven't felt for years now.
Look at for more of me in the future.